Write in nominations for Evergreen PTO officers for the 2021-2022 school year

Help us create the 2021-2022 Evergreen PTO officers!  All roles are open for nominations. Write in the name of the person you think would be great for a PTO officer role! If you are interested in a position write in your name for that role. You can also be a co-President or co-Treasurer and if interested in nominating two individuals for this option please specify in the comment box and give both names. All answers will appear anonymous. If you are nominated we will contact you to accept the nominations. At the PTO meeting in May we will vote on the nominees. Thank you so much for being a part of PTO!

This organization is governed by the bylaws, the Evergreen PTO executive board consists of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and member at large. Other positions to the executive board can include a co-president, co-treasurer and an additional member at large.

Question Title

* 1. President Nomination

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* 2. Vice President Nomination

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* 3. Secretary Nomination

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* 4. Treasurer Nomination

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* 5. Member at Large Nomination