About This Survey
This survey is to help capture the vision, general population, needs and wants of the residents of the Ingonish areas.
  • Option to be 100% anonymous
  • Please complete only one per person
  • Please be candid with your answers
  • Questions are not mandatory, answer what you can
This survey is being done by local community members for the community to gain a voice in the future of Ingonish. The results will be shared publicly with the community and is intended to be used as a resource by the Ingonish Development Society and any other community groups to advocate for the future of Ingonish to be designed the way the community wants it to be.

Who should complete the survey?
The intention of this survey is to capture the voices of the residents, but if you're from a surrounding area or simply have a passion for the area, we welcome your input. All we ask is that everyone answer the questions as completely and accurately as possible so that we hear the voices of everyone who cares about the future of the community.