Thank you for attending the webinar today.  Please take a quick moment to complete the following survey questions.

Question Title

* 1. Please check the appropriate rating for each question:

  Disagree Agree
The presentation and materials were of high quality and professional. (BS.01.f)
The ideas and activities were relevant to the field of deaf-blindness. (BS.01.d)
I found the information useful. (BS.01.e)

Question Title

* 2. Webinar Content:

  Disagree Agree
I now know who to contact with a question regarding infants who are Deaf/HH, Blind/VI, Deaf-Blind.
I have a better understanding of the basic elements of the B-3 DHH/BVI, combined registry form.

Question Title

* 3. Webinar Experience:

  1 - Disagree 2 3 4 5 - Agree
My webinar experience was good?

Question Title

* 4. Any other comments and/or ideas...