Members at Avenue Living:

We are coming up to the expiration of the Collective Agreement (contract) and are looking for your input, opinions and suggestions on what changes and improvements you would like to see in a new Collective

Below you will find a survey that will allow you to give us your input as well as any proposals that you might have. If you are unable to fill out this survey online, please contact one of your Shop Stewards and they will be able to provide you with a paper copy.

Take some time to think about things that you would like to see improved or added to your new contract.

The deadline for submissions is September 30, 2022.

NOTE! Your full name and contact information must accompany all proposals for them to be considered and they are kept in confidence by the Local.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Gender

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* 3. What shift are you on? 

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* 4. Department:

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* 5. How many years of seniority do you have?

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* 6. What would you see as a realistic wage increase per year?

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* 7. What length of a Collective Agreement would you like to see?

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* 8. In the next negotiations, which of the following areas do you personally feel should be most important bargaining goals?

Please rate in order of importance #1 to #5 (with #1 being the most important).

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* 9. Of the following issues, select all that are important to you

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* 10. Indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree
My supervisors treat me fairly
My supervisors listen to my ideas and suggestions
If I am injured, I know my Employer will provide reasonable and appropriate modified work for me
When I put in requests for time off (Leaves of Absence, Vacation etc.), the Company responds in a timely manner
It is easy to update my contact information with the Company

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* 11. What improvements would you like to see in the benefit plan?

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* 12. Would you like to see an increase of notice given to change your scheduled work shift?

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* 13. How often are you paid less than the hours you work?

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* 14. Do you feel the steps taken by the Company to protect your personal safety are adequate?

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* 15. The Union and your Bargaining (Negotiating) Committee will make every reasonable effort to negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf.

In the event that your Bargaining (Negotiating) Committee is unable to achieve a fair settlement on your behalf, are you prepared to strike?

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* 16. Are you interested in joining the union bargaining committee and participating in negotiations with the Employer?

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* 17. Additional Comments and Proposals:

Thank you for taking your time to complete this survey, your answers will help your Union at the Bargaining table.