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* 1. How would you rank your backcountry knowledge/skill level

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* 2. What formal training have you had?

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* 3. What informal training have you had (select all that apply)

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* 4. How Many days per season on average have you spent in the back country?

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* 5. What resources do you use routinely use to make decisions during trips into avalanche terrain? (choose all that apply)

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* 6. What best described how often, if ever, you practice any of the rescue skills: beacon finding, Probing, and/or Shovel Rescue?

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* 7. How many times, if ever, have you or a member of your group been caught and/or carried in an avalanche?

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* 8. What of the below might be an avalanche terrain trap?

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* 9. What is the alpha angle:

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* 10. At what danger rating do most avalanche fatalities occur?

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* 11. What are safe travel procedures?

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* 12. Before starting a day in the backcountry, what essential step should each group member take before leaving the parking lot?

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* 13. What was the most significant avalanche problem listed in today’s report?

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* 14. Which of the following persistent weak layers factor into the largest percentage of avalanches?

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* 15. What is a persistent weak snow layer?

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* 16. Which of the following observations does NOT suggest an increased likelihood of an avalanche?:

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* 17. Under which Conditions is Faceting of the Snow most likely to occur?

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* 18. On which aspects do most avalanche accidents occur?

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* 19. According to research, half of all fully buried avalanche victims are likely to die of asphyxiation after…