August 2019 Quick Poll

We’d like your input on the low and zero emission vehicles in our fleet. Currently 1 in 5 Modo is an electric or hybrid, but in time, we know we can do better! Please share your thoughts by taking this Quick Poll.

One lucky winner will get $25 in free drive time just for taking this quiz!

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following low or zero emission vehicles in Modo's fleet have you booked previously?

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* 2. If we were to add a Tesla Model 3 to our fleet, how likely would you be to book it?

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* 3. Which of Modo's vehicle categories would you expect the Tesla Model 3 to be priced at?

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* 4. What sort of educational content would make you more comfortable booking one of our low or zero emission vehicles?

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* 5. If you’d like a chance to win $25 in drive time, add your email address below.