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* 1. Donated item and description for auction site. Please be as descriptive as possible (list town, city or state if Gift Cert to a restaurant or hotel, etc.), size item is available in and is it exchangeable if they need a different size, etc.) and list any restrictions that apply to the item (open ended, expiration date, blackout dates, etc.)

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* 10. Is Donor a Realtor or an Affiliate Member of South Shore Realtors®?

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* 11. Will you be dropping this auction item off at South Shore Realtors Pembroke or the Fall River Region office? Please call 781-826-5139 to organize a drop of day and time.

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* 12. NAR PAF Disclaimer: Contributions are not deductible for income tax purposes. Contributions to the National Association of Realtors Political Advocacy Fund (“NAR PAF”) are voluntary and are used for political purposes. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. The NAR PAF utilizes funds to support legislative advocacy efforts, other political programs and related administrative cost