May 19, 2024

Thanks for helping to make food for our May 19, 2024 service auction! Our goal is to have a number of different households contribute food items in the category of "hearty appetizers" so that our folks attending the auction immediately after service don't get hangry! Also think finger foods--things that can be easily eaten on a plate or napkin balancing on a lap. Items without eleaborate reheating requirements are good, too. Bring your item to church anytime in advance of 11:15AM. Please also provide a clear label for your contribution, with enough details to guide someone with food sensitivities.

Question Title

* 1. I (we) can help! Name(s)

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* 2. Email 

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* 3. Do you know what you want to bring? You can decide at the last minute, no problem, but if you know now, please share!