20170916 - 0730 Astra Zeneca – PD L1 Saturday, September 16 Astra Zeneca Sponsored Breakfast – The Evolving State of PD-L1 Testing – Ming S. Tsao & Michelle R. Downes Question Title * 1. Please assess the Session Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Sufficient time was allowed for audience participation/active learning Sufficient time was allowed for audience participation/active learning Strongly Disagree Sufficient time was allowed for audience participation/active learning Disagree Sufficient time was allowed for audience participation/active learning Neutral Sufficient time was allowed for audience participation/active learning Agree Sufficient time was allowed for audience participation/active learning Strongly Agree The facilities were satisfactory The facilities were satisfactory Strongly Disagree The facilities were satisfactory Disagree The facilities were satisfactory Neutral The facilities were satisfactory Agree The facilities were satisfactory Strongly Agree The session was free from commercial bias The session was free from commercial bias Strongly Disagree The session was free from commercial bias Disagree The session was free from commercial bias Neutral The session was free from commercial bias Agree The session was free from commercial bias Strongly Agree Overall, I would rate this Symposium as excellent Overall, I would rate this Symposium as excellent Strongly Disagree Overall, I would rate this Symposium as excellent Disagree Overall, I would rate this Symposium as excellent Neutral Overall, I would rate this Symposium as excellent Agree Overall, I would rate this Symposium as excellent Strongly Agree Question Title * 2. Please assess Ming S. Tsao Poor Fair Good Very Good Outstanding Clarity of Voice Clarity of Voice Poor Clarity of Voice Fair Clarity of Voice Good Clarity of Voice Very Good Clarity of Voice Outstanding Met Stated Objectives Met Stated Objectives Poor Met Stated Objectives Fair Met Stated Objectives Good Met Stated Objectives Very Good Met Stated Objectives Outstanding Balanced & Unbiased Balanced & Unbiased Poor Balanced & Unbiased Fair Balanced & Unbiased Good Balanced & Unbiased Very Good Balanced & Unbiased Outstanding Relevant to Practice Overall Relevant to Practice Overall Poor Relevant to Practice Overall Fair Relevant to Practice Overall Good Relevant to Practice Overall Very Good Relevant to Practice Overall Outstanding Time for Active Learning Time for Active Learning Poor Time for Active Learning Fair Time for Active Learning Good Time for Active Learning Very Good Time for Active Learning Outstanding Question Title * 3. Please assess the Michelle R. Downes Poor Fair Good Very Good Outstanding Clarity of Voice Clarity of Voice Poor Clarity of Voice Fair Clarity of Voice Good Clarity of Voice Very Good Clarity of Voice Outstanding Met Stated Objectives Met Stated Objectives Poor Met Stated Objectives Fair Met Stated Objectives Good Met Stated Objectives Very Good Met Stated Objectives Outstanding Balanced & Unbiased Balanced & Unbiased Poor Balanced & Unbiased Fair Balanced & Unbiased Good Balanced & Unbiased Very Good Balanced & Unbiased Outstanding Relevant to Practice Overall Relevant to Practice Overall Poor Relevant to Practice Overall Fair Relevant to Practice Overall Good Relevant to Practice Overall Very Good Relevant to Practice Overall Outstanding Time for Active Learning Time for Active Learning Poor Time for Active Learning Fair Time for Active Learning Good Time for Active Learning Very Good Time for Active Learning Outstanding Question Title * 4. As a result of attending this session, I am planning to: a) Discuss the session with my colleagues b) Pursue additional learning activities. c) Complete a Personal Learning Project. d) Not change my practice. e) Change my practice. Question Title * 5. Please explain any changes you plan to make or personal learning projects you will pursue as a result of this session: Question Title * 6. General comments about individual speaker: Question Title * 7. What topics would you like to be addressed at future conferences to keep you up to date in your profession? Done