Associate Editor and Journal of Philosophy of Emotion
Good Faith Agreement

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* 1. Please save your CV as a .txt file, with all the formatting removed, then copy the text, and paste it below. Doing so will help address any problematic formatting issues with viewing your CV on our end. Also, if we are unable to verify your credentials through an online source, please email a copy of your diploma to Thank you!

Question Title

* 4. Please tell us the area(s) of your specialization in which you would like to receive manuscripts to manage:

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* 5. Please tell us in which area(s) of competence you would like to receive manuscripts to manage:

By electronically signing below, I certify that I have a Unites States Ph.D., J.D., or have a minimally equivalent degree, and that I agree to be an associate editor for the Journal of Philosophy of Emotion, which would commit me to managing the number of articles per year indicated below, for the number of years indicated below, and in accordance with the JPE’s core values, and FTCOR guide, timeline, and rules of engagement.

Question Title

* 7. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed, sealed and delivered on the effective date written below.

Electronic Signature

7. Electronic Signature

Cecilea Mun

JPE Founder and Future Editor-in-Chief