1. Measuring your cyber security maturity is no easy feat!

Many of the assessment tools and surveys you’ll find online are specific to a particular framework or require a high level of technical knowledge to even get started.
To make the process of getting started that much easier, Maxsum has customised a cyber maturity assessment that pulls key elements from a number of frameworks including the Australian Cyber Security Centre’s Essential Eight Maturity Model, Strategies to Mitigate Cyber Incidents and Cyber Security Principles.
Please answer the following series of questions using the guide provided, and then tally up your scores at the end.
Your overall score will give you a simple, indicative guide to your current maturity level, whilst a review of the questions you scored 1-4 points on will provide you with a checklist of possible next steps.
Scan or copy and return your completed assessment to us so we can use it to assist with your Managed IT Security planning or to help you take your next steps towards cyber maturity.
You might even choose to utilise this self-assessment to initiate a discussion with your Leadership Team or Board about the need to level up your cyber security posture.
Take your first step towards breaking beyond the boundaries of traditional Managed IT Service & Support by utilising the Maxsum Cyber Maturity Assessment to start to identify some of the key Issues & Risks you’ll need to address to improve your overall Cyber Security Posture.

Question Title

* 1. Your details