Nobody knows more about the natural hazards that affect them than the people who live and work in Aransas County and its municipalities. Public input and collaboration are important components to a successful multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Action Plan. Please use this survey to raise concerns and ensure that your voice is heard. Please be as detailed as possible in your responses.

To fill out this survey online, please visit

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* 1. Please state the jurisdiction (city or community) in which you reside or represent.

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* 2. Have you ever experienced or been impacted by a natural disaster? 

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* 3. How concerned are you about the possibility of your community being impacted by a natural disaster? 

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* 4. Please select the natural hazard you think presents the HIGHEST threat to your neighborhood.

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* 5. Please select the natural hazard you think represents the SECOND HIGHEST threat to your neighborhood

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* 6. Is there another natural hazard not listed above that you think represents a wide-scale threat to your neighborhood? If yes, please explain:

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* 7. Is your home located in a floodplain?

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* 8. Do you have flood insurance?

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* 9. If you do not have flood insurance, why not?

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* 10. Have you taken any actions to make your home or neighborhood more resistant to natural hazards?

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* 11. Are you interested in making your home or neighborhood more resistant to natural hazards?

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* 12. What is the most effective way for you to receive information about how to make your home and neighborhood more resistant to natural hazards?

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* 13. In your opinion, what are some steps your local government could take to reduce or eliminate the risk of future natural hazard damages in your neighborhood?

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* 14. What other issues regarding the reduction of risk and loss associated with natural hazards or disasters in the community do you find important?

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* 15. A number of community-wide activities can reduce the risk from natural hazards. In general, these activities fall into one of the following six broad categories. Please tell us how important you think each one is for your community to consider pursuing.

  Very Important Somewhat Important Not Important
Prevention - Administrative or regulatory actions that influence the way land is developed and buildings are built. Examples include planning and zoning, building codes, open space preservation, and floodplain regulations.
Property Protection - Actions that involve the modification of existing buildings to protect them from a hazard or removal from the area. Examples include acquisition, relocation, elevation and structural retrofits.
Natural Resource Protection - Actions that, in addition to minimizing hazard losses, also preserve or restore the functions of natural systems. Examples include floodplain protection, habitat preservation, and riparian buffers.
Structural Projects - Actions intended to lessen the impact of a hazard by modifying the natural progression of the hazard. Examples include dams, levees, seawalls, detention/retention basins, channel modification, retaining walls and storm sewers.
Emergency Services - Actions that protect people and property during and immediately after an event. Examples include warning systems, evacuation planning, and protection of critical emergency facilities or systems.
Public Education and Awareness - Actions to inform citizens about hazards and the techniques they can use to protect themselves and their property. Examples include outreach projects, library materials and demo events.

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* 16. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

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* 17. If you would like to receive additional updates and notifications related to the multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Action Plan, please enter your email address below.