Due October 4, 2023

Proposed Homeowner Housing Rehab Program (SCDP)

The City of Appleton is working with the Upper Minnesota Valley Regional Development Commission to apply for a Small Cities Development Program (SCDP) grant. To apply, the city must show interest and a need in the community.  If the grant application is selected, the program will be available to homeowners starting the spring of 2025.

Goal: To help income eligible homeowners rehab and make improvements to their home.

Refer to charts for eligible incomes to participate. If you are eligible, complete the form and return.
  • The SCDP program can pay for rehabilitation work of up to $25,000.
  • Funds are given as a no interest, forgivable loan (grant). 1/7 of the loan is forgiven each year for seven years.
  • Additional grants and loans are available based on income and the program will assist homeowners identify these resources for the owner matching funds or if projects go over $25,000.
7-Year Forgivable Grant - 10% Owner Match
90% of the project costs are eligible through a deferred loan
10% owner matching funds required

2023 HUD Income Limits for Swift County
80% Income Limits      
1 Person Household   $49,400
2 Person Household   $56,450
3 Person Household   $63,500
4 Person Household   $70,550
5 Person Household   $76,200
6 Person Household   $81,850
7 Person Household   $87,500
8 Person Household   $93,150

B) SINGLE FAMILY OWNER-OCCUPIED: 50% or less Median Income
7-year Forgivable Grant – NO Owner Match
100% of the project costs are eligible through a deferred loan
No owner matching funds required.

2023 HUD Income Limits for Swift County
50% Income Limits      
1 Person Household   $30,900
2 Person Household   $35,300
3 Person Household   $39,700
4 Person Household   $44,100
5 Person Household   $47,650
6 Person Household   $51,200
7 Person Household   $54,700
8 Person Household   $58,250

Example project in the 51% - 80% Area Median Household Income category:

If the total project costs were $27,775
90% SCDP forgivable loan would be $25,000 (1/7th forgiven each year for 7 years)
10% Owner responsibility would be $2,778 (owner cash or low interest loans)

Question Title

* 1. Please your level of interest in this program:

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* 4. What improvements are you interested in making to your home?     **Interior remodeling is not eligible.

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* 5. Tell us more about the improvements to you want to make to your home with SCDP funds:

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* 6. Check all that apply:

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* 7. Year built or approximate age of home

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Household information

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* 9. Name

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* 10. Address

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* 11. Mailing address (if different from above)

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* 12. Phone number

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* 13. Email address

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* 14. If contract for deed, owner’s name (also must be income eligible)

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* 15. Are you a veteran?

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* 16. Are you a city official?  

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* 17. Have you had a previous SCDP grant?   

IMPORTANT: The signed form does not commit you to the program and does not guarantee funding; it is simply an indication of interest that builds support for the application. If you sign the form your name will be placed on a priority list to receive more information if funds are awarded.

Question Title

* 18. I understand that (all boxes must be checked):

Question Title

* 19. Type in your name as an electronic signature.

NOTE:  The typed name constitutes a legal signature and all parties undersigned must agree to the following statement:  "We certify that the information contained in this survey and its attachments is true and correct to the best of our knowledge."

Question Title

* 20. In addition, by checking the box below, you are agreeing to this statement:

Thank you.  Your name will be placed on a list of interested parties showing a strong interest in a SCDP program and support for the application. If grant funds are awarded to the city, you will be contacted for more information about how to apply for project funding.
This survey is being conducted the by the Upper Minnesota Valley Regional Development Commission (UMVRDC) who is writing this grant. Any questions regarding this survey or the grant application please contact:
Kristi Fernholz: Kristi.fernholz@umvrdc.org or 320-289-1981 x106