All-Options' All Programs Feedback Survey

As someone who has used All-Options’ services, your thoughts and experiences are very important to us. Your honest responses in this survey will help us improve how we support people in their decisions and experiences with pregnancy, parenting, abortion and adoption.

All the information in this survey will be kept confidential. If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns, please contact Parker Dockray, All-Options Executive Director, at 

To thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, you will be entered into a quarterly drawing for a Target gift card. We appreciate your feedback and your participation! 

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* 1. Which All-Options service did you use? Please select one of the following options. If you’ve used more than one All-Options service, please complete a separate survey for each service.

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* 2. Please tell us how you would rate your overall experience interacting with All-Options.

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* 3. What was helpful about your experience with us?

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* 4. What, if anything, would have made your experience better?

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* 5. Please tell us how you would rate different aspects of your experience with All-Options.

  Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent N/A
Quality of information, resources, or referrals given to you
Quality of Staff or Volunteer's Listening Skills
Using text messaging to communicate with Staff or Volunteers and fill out intake forms
Staff or Volunteer's responsiveness to your initial call or request
Staff or Volunteer's ability to be open and non-judgmental
Amount of time allowed for your call or meeting

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* 6. How has receiving services from All-Options influenced your beliefs or feelings about pregnancy, parenting, abortion, and/or adoption? Check all that apply.

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* 7. Would you refer other people to All-Options?

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* 8. In what ways would you like to stay connected with All-Options? Check all that apply.

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* 9. Would you be interested in sharing your story about pregnancy, parenting, abortion, or adoption? If so, we may contact you in the future with opportunities to talk to the media or to be part of our outreach or fundraising campaigns. You can change your mind at any time, and have total control over what information you do or don't share.

Please check all that apply:

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* 10. If you want to join our email list or are interested in sharing your story, please provide your name, email, and phone number here:

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* 11. If you would like to be entered into our quarterly drawing for a Target gift card, please enter your name and phone number here. This information will be kept confidential.