Dear Albert Township Resident/Property Owner:
Your response to the enclosed survey is extremely important…
Albert Township is conducting a Community Input Survey to assist with the update of the Township’s Master and Recreation Plans.
We appreciate your time and truly value your opinion…
We realize this survey takes time to complete, but each question is important. The time you invest in completing the survey will aid Albert Township in taking a resident-driven approach when making decisions to enrich the future of our community and positively affect the lives of its residents.
Please complete and return the survey by Friday, September 30, 2024
The survey can be completed online at

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your opinion as to how important each priority is within the Township. (Select one per line)

  Not Important No Opinion Important Not Applicable
Preservation of the natural environment & open spaces
Expanding/improving parks and recreation activities and facilities
Equestrian trails
ORV activities
Cross country skiing
Providing public access to the lakes
Establishing pedestrian & bike trails (including sidewalks)
Providing more paved roads
Maintenance of the gravel roads
Preservation of historic elements
Improving the appearance of neighborhoods
Increasing housing opportunities for young families
Increasing assisted living facilities & housing opportunities for seniors
Expansion of office developments
Expansion of commercial developments
Expansion of industrial developments
Development of agricultural areas and/or community gardens
Township communication with residents
Improving police protection
Improving EMT & fire protection
Construction of a sanitary sewer system
Expansion of broadband (internet) & cell towers
Renewable energy developments (solar, wind, etc.)

Question Title

* 2. Community Perceptions: Please check the most positive aspects of life in Albert Township.

Question Title

* 3. Community Perceptions: Please check the most negative aspects of life in Albert Township.

Question Title

* 4. What type of housing would you like to see in Albert Township?

Question Title

* 5. What type of commercial development would you like to see in Albert Township?

Question Title

* 6. What activities do you participate in at the following recreational facilities? (Not all activities apply to each facility)

  Buttles Park Disc Golf Course Tom May Memorial Park Beach Bingham Park - Little League Albert Township Hall Albert Township Park Lions Park
Disc Golf
Ice Skating
Nature Viewing
Other Historic Features
Special Events/Workshops

Question Title

* 7. Would you support a millage for the Township’s parks and recreation, and cemetery?

Question Title

* 8. Please indicate your opinion as to the quality of the following Township services. (Select one per line)

  Poor Satisfactory Excellent No Opinion
Office Hours
Assessor’s Office
Fire Protection
EMT Services
Township Board
Street Condition
Parks & Recreation
Road Maintenance (brining)
Planning Commission
Township Parks
Transit Site

Question Title

* 9. Community Planning Issues: Please indicate your agreement with each statement.

  Disagree Agree No Opinion
Albert Township should preserve its rural character.
The ‘preservation of rural character’ means the preservation of forested areas, open spaces, and natural areas.
A residential development with a small lot size that is surrounded by a buffer of open space, woodlands and/or natural features has preserved rural character.
Commercial uses should be concentrated into larger, coordinated developments.
More economic and employment opportunities are needed in and around Albert Township.
More non-motorized pathways and trails should be provided around the lakes and throughout the community.
Due to its aging population, Albert Township should consider senior assisted living facilities as well as assisting seniors with aging in place (growing older in their own homes).
Fast food businesses should be encouraged to locate in Albert Township.
Albert Township should be more active in guiding growth and development in the township.

Question Title

* 10. In your opinion, are there any public safety services the township should provide?

Question Title

* 11. Do you know Albert Township Fire Department will provide and install smoke alarms free of charge?

Question Title

* 12. Do you believe the public service agencies in your community should provide public safety education programs in the local schools?

Question Title

* 13. What is your age?

Question Title

* 14. How much time do you spend in Albert Township?

Question Title

* 15. What is your property interest in Albert Township? (Select one. If more than one applies, select the one that describes your primary residence.)

Question Title

* 16. How long have you lived or owned property in the Township?

Question Title

* 17. What area of the Township do you live in?

Question Title

* 18. Do you have any additional comments that will assist Township officials with planning for the future of Albert Township?