Adelaide Hills Council is creating a Public Art Strategy and we would like feedback from the community.  We would like to hear about your ideas and find out what is important to you in relation to Public Art within the Council area.   
If you have any questions about the strategy please contact Maz McGann on 0438 807 973 or

Question Title

* 1. Why should we develop public art?  Of all the reasons to create public art listed below, which are your most important three?  

Select your top three preferences. 

Question Title

* 2. Do you have any suggestions as to where we should create public art in the Adelaide Hills Council area?  It could be a specific place or a general area.

Question Title

* 3. What themes or types of public art would you like to see in your community?

Select your top three preferences. 

Question Title

* 4. Do you have any specific ideas for public art projects for the Adelaide Hills?  Tell us about them...

Question Title

* 5. To what extent do you agree with the following?

  Strongly disagree  Disagree  Agree  Strongly Agree  Unsure 
Public art is good for the community
Council should invest in public art on a regular basis
Public art should be easy to understand
Public art should be bold and make a statement
Public art should be interactive
Public art should be integrated into streetscapes e.g. seating, bins, bollards, lighting etc. 
I don't think public art is important
All new developments should include public art
Public art should be contemporary and cutting edge
We need more public art in the Adelaide Hills Council district
Public art should be traditional 
Public art should be created / led by professional artists
Community members should participate in the creation of public art
I would like to be involved in the development of public art
Creating public art shouldn't be a high priority for Council

Question Title

* 6. Would you as an individual or as part of a group / organisation, like to be involved in the development of public art?

Question Title

* 7. Where do you live?

Question Title

* 8. Is there anything else you would like to tell us?

Question Title

* 9. Would you like us to keep you informed about the Public Art Strategy?  If so, leave your contact details below and we will be in touch.  (All details will be held confidentially as per legislative requirements)