The questionnaire consists of 15 questions in total. Questions with an asterisk (*) are required to be answered. Please complete this survey by 4:00 pm EST on 17 MAR 2023. To advance the survey, click the "Next" button. To go back a page, click the "Prev" button. Do not use your internet browser to navigate the survey. If necessary, you may exit the questionnaire while in process and resume on the same page at a later time. Please ensure you use the same computer and have cookies enabled.
Any questions pertaining to this RFI can be referred to Hunter Grim, Contract Specialist. Please submit questions to Ms. JoAnn Parks is the Contracting Officer on this program. She can be reached via email at
The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center Rapid Sustainment Office (AFLCMC/RO) intends to acquire additive manufacturing devices that are Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) approved to produce airworthy aircraft parts. The contract will support the United States Air Force with a potential to expand across the Department of Defense Agencies.
This request for information is not a request for competitive proposals and no solicitation is available.  Any interested responsible party that believes it is equally or otherwise uniquely capable of meeting the requirements described herein may submit a proposal (to include contact information, size status under NAICS 333248, UEI Number, and CAGE Code) should a solicitation be released.  Supporting evidence must be furnished in sufficient detail to demonstrate the ability to fulfill this requirement, must clearly demonstrate that competition would be advantageous to the Government and would not create a break in service or degradation of performance quality.  All responses must be provided at the following link: . A determination by the Government not to compete this proposed contract action is solely within the discretion of the Government.  The Government will not be responsible for any costs incurred by responding to this notice.  This notice in no way obligates the Government to award any modifications to the existing contracts.

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* 1. Please provide contractor name.

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* 2. Name of Authorized Representative.

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* 3. Please provide Contact Information (phone, email).

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* 4. What is your company’s UEI?

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* 5. What is your company’s CAGE?

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* 6. Are you currently registered in SAM?

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* 7. Are you registered in NAICS 333248?

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* 8. Is your company a large or small business under NAICS 333248? If small, what is your company’s socioeconomic affiliation?

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* 9. Are you eligible for the 8(a) small business program? If so, what is your graduation date under NAICS 333248?

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* 10. Can you provide Additive Manufacturing Systems that meet the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) requirements (toxicity, flammability, smoke and tensile test requirements) for the manufacture of specific plastic parts used on any United States Air Force (USAF) weapons system in accordance with the following references:

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* 11. If you can provide Additive Manufacturing Systems that meet the FAA requirements, please provide a copy of the FAA Certification to the USAF Contracting Office, 771 Enterprise Sourcing Squadron by emailing Hunter Grim at

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* 12. If you do not currently provide Additive Manufacturing Systems that meet the FAA requirements but you are you in the process of becoming FAA certified could you please provide the timeline for receiving certification? Please provide the Month/Year.

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* 13. Do you have any concerns with the requirement and would you have any suggestions to improve it?

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* 14. Would your company be interest in further discussions?

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* 15. Would you like to participate in a Capability Session with the Air Force?