PEIBWA is offering another opportunity for women in early growth businesses in PEI through the Accelerate HER PEI Winter 2022 Program!

Accelerate HER PEI is a 12 week program led by PEIBWA and the Atlantic Canadian Women in Growth Partnership. The program will be delivered from PEIBWA’s Rural Women’s Business Centre both virtually and in person. This Program will serve high-potential women business owners, no matter their location in PEI.

Clients will benefit from free access to business support services customized to meet their individual needs. This includes weekly group meetings, one-on-one mentorship, peer support, market research and guidance, and a pool of expertise with a variety of businesses and industry leaders. 

This 12-week program involves accelerator programming and 1-1 mentorship support to learn how to grow your business. Targeted for businesses in the early growth stage of development, and businesses who may find themselves taking a new direction. 

Participants will take part in weekly group meetings and interact with experts for training and feedback, business-building assignments, networking opportunities, and referrals. Participants will also be matched with a mentor in their field for individual support throughout. Programming will be delivered both online and in-person at the Rural Women’s Business Centre in Central Bedeque, PEI. 

Women-owned, for-profit businesses (defined as being at least 51% owned, managed, or controlled by women), in any sector currently registered in PEI that has been in continuous operation for at least one (1) year (as of September 2021) are invited to participate in this pilot program.

Preference may be given to underrepresented populations including but not limited to indigenous women and women of colour, Rural women business owners, women in trades and STEM disciplines, newcomers and women with disabilities, at the discretion of PEIBWA.

  • Two hours per week group learning at the Rural Women’s Business Centre in Central Bedeque, PEI
  • Pool of expert presenters to speak on a variety of business topics, based on intake assessment of participants
  • Access to business advisors
  • Peer support and networking with other women business owners
  • Weekly goal-setting and preparatory resources
  • One-on-One matchmaking with an experienced business owner/entrepreneur mentor
  • Bi-weekly one-on-one meetings with assigned mentor 
  • Shared workspace & access to program resources and materials

Project Start: January 26, 2022 /Project End: April 13, 2022

The Accelerate HER PEI program will run for 12 consecutive weeks, beginning with a two-hour orientation session. Please review the time commitment schedule to ensure that you have the time to commit to this program.
  • (1 hr) interview selection session 
  • 12 (2 hr) Weekly accelerator meetings in person or virtual to include orientation, goal-setting, expert presentations, peer support and networking with cohort
  • (1 hr) Bi-weekly one-on-one mentorship meetings with mentor (in person or virtual)
  • (2 hr) Follow-up and evaluation
The total dedicated time commitment per participant for group and one-on-one activities/meetings will be approximately 35 hours for this 12-week program.