Question Title

* 1. Managed disks are designed to provide what % of availability

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* 2. You can create up to.... VM disks of a type in a subscription per region

Question Title

* 3. Identify different kinds of encryption that are supported by Managed disks

Question Title

* 4. What is the frequency of Azure reservation discounts that are applied to a managed disk resources

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* 5. Which are the following statement is valid.

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* 6. In Linux - the  disks are encrypted using which technology

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* 7. Snapshots can be used to create multiple VMs that use managed disks. Is this statement valid?

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* 8. How performance tier for the managed disk is selected.

Question Title

* 9. What will the following script do...


az disk update -n $diskName -g $resourceGroupName --set tier=$performanceTier

Question Title

* 10. The performance tier cannot be changed after deployment. Is the statement true or false