Background and Instructions

Prevent Child Abuse Arizona, the Arizona Family Resource Network, and various state agencies are collaborating to conduct a survey to identify Family Resource Centers in Arizona. Survey results will be used to increase access to and coordination of services for children and families.
Family Resource Centers (FRCs) are welcoming community hubs where families can access formal and informal supports, both in times of need and as a part of regular day-to-day life. Family Resource Centers offer responsive, family-oriented programs on-site that strengthen families in their communities, including:
  • information, resources, and referrals
  • parenting activities, classes, and support
  • opportunities for families to build social connections

If your organization fits the Family Resource Center definition above, even if your organization does not refer to itself as a “Family Resource Center,” please take a few minutes to complete the survey by Friday, January 19, 2024. Survey respondents will be entered into a drawing to receive one of five available $100 gift cards for their organization. We greatly appreciate your help!

As you complete the survey, the term “FRC” refers to your organization or program that fits the above definition. Please note: if your organization has more than one FRC location, please complete this survey for each physical location.

Should you have any questions about this survey, please reach out to Claire Louge at