Workshop Overview

Welcome to registration for the AzCHER Crisis Standards of Care (CSC) Workshop Series. Content will vary among each of the workshops. Attendance at all four workshops is encouraged. 
Those who work within healthcare emergency management and within the clinical areas of a facility are highly encouraged to attend, but all members who would like to learn more about Crisis Standards of Care in Arizona are welcome.
Workshop 1: Preparing for Crisis Standards of Care
Workshop 2: Staying in Contingency
Workshop 3: Activating, Implementing & Collaborating on Crisis Standards of Care
Workshop 4: Supporting Staff and De-Activating Crisis Standards of Care

The objectives of the workshop series include:
1) Provide an overview of the State Disaster Medical Advisory Committee (SDMAC) in Arizona and how it aligns with facility, AzCHER, and statewide CSC activation. 
2) Identify steps to prevent activation of CSC without compromising quality of patient care.
3) Identify potential strategies if the emergency overwhelms regional capacity and CSC are activated.
4) Discuss the decisions leading to the implementation of CSC.
5) Review clinical, legal, and ethical considerations.
6) Engage members and gather feedback on CSC concepts that will help inform AzCHER's CSC Concept of Operations (CONOPS) Plan. 
Please contact Brianna Rooney with questions (

Question Title

* 1. Participant First Name

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* 2. Participant Last Name

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* 3. Participant Email Address. Note: Workshop information and virtual meeting appointment links will be sent to this email address.

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* 4. Participant Phone Number

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* 5. Name of Organization

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* 6. Job Title

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* 7. Job Role (Optional)

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* 11. Have you had any previous experience with Crisis Standards of Care?

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* 12. Please select which workshop(s) you will attend.  Based on your selections below, workshop materials and meeting appointment links will be sent prior to each session. Note: We encourage you to attend all four workshops as the content will vary.