Arlington Youth Foundation Grant Application Application are due by the last Friday in March. Grant recipients will be notified mid-April. Recipients will be recognized at an awards cermony held during the AYS baseball/softball opening day celebration at the Two Rivers Sports Complex. Question Title * 1. Name or Organization: Question Title * 2. Address: Question Title * 3. City: Question Title * 4. State: Question Title * 5. Zip Code: Question Title * 6. Contact Person: Question Title * 7. Contact Phone Number: Question Title * 8. Alternate Telephone Number: Question Title * 9. E-Mail Address: Question Title * 10. Overview of the Project: Question Title * 11. Will other groups in the community (besides Arlington Youth) benefit? Please explain. Question Title * 12. Describe how your project supports Arlington Youth Foundation's Mission. (The mission of Arlington Youth Foundation is to support the youth of our community by providing the most opportunities possible to success in all walks of life.) Question Title * 13. What is the time period of the project, and when will the grant funds be spent? Question Title * 14. If your proposal is for the benefit of another organization (ie: parents' organization making a purchase for the school system) please document their agreement that there is a need and that they are in support of your efforts by including a letter from the organization. For public property projects (community buildings, public parks, etc.) provide a letter of support from the appropriate governmental body (ie: village board, school administrator, or school board, etc.). Do you have authorization? Question Title * 15. Total Cost of Project: Question Title * 16. Funds Available (cash/pledges raised for the project/program to date): Question Title * 17. Grant funds requested from Arlington Youth Foundation: Please submit here, or print and mail application to: Arlington Youth FoundationP.O. Box 561Arlington, NE 68002 Done