Dear AWM participant,

We appreciate your participation in Association for Women in Mathematics workshops, which aim to foster professional networks of women in mathematical fields. These workshops are supported by a National Science Foundation ADVANCE Grant (Award #1500481) to the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM). To assess the benefits of these workshops, we aim to collect information about your professional accomplishments. We thus invite you to upload a copy of your updated curriculum vitae (CV) and/or your resume as .doc, .docx, or .pdf files. We will also ask you to insert the URL of your personal homepage, if you have one. 

Only the AWM ADVANCE coordinator, the external evaluator, and her supervised research assistants will have access to the data you provide. To maintain confidentiality, your name will not be revealed in reports that result from this project. Any documents that you provide will be saved in a secure place, and the linking file necessary to associate your data with your name will only be made available to the individuals named above. We may obtain other publicly-available supplementary information, but again, your name will not be included in datafiles used for analysis, reports, or publications. Because women mathematicians are a minority in their male-dominated field, we will ensure that participants’ identities cannot be deduced from the information that is included in the data file. For example, we will likely use codes instead of institution names.

For questions, concerns or further information, please feel free to contact Erin Leahey at (520) 621-9351 or If you have questions concerning your rights as a research subject, you may call the University of Arizona Human Subjects Protection Program office at (520) 626-6721.

By participating in the project, you are giving permission for the investigator to use your information for research purposes.

Thank you for your consideration,

Erin Leahey, Professor of Sociology, University of Arizona