AVA Annual Conference Poster Competition

Applications Open Friday 8 February 2019

The 2019 AVA Conference will be holding a “AVA Poster Competition” as an opportunity for veterinarians to gain recognition for their research or clinical work and to build their professional profile.

- Research, clinic case reports or case series in veterinary science reflecting cutting edge science or an advancement of knowledge
- At least one of the authors must be an AVA member and at least one author should be present at conference for the judging of the posters (Tuesday 7 May 2019).
- Posters that have been presented at other conferences (especially international conferences) within the previous three years are encouraged.
- A maximum of 50 posters will be displayed. Poster Format: No larger than ‘B0’ 1000mm (W) x 1414mm (H)

Young Researcher (student or graduate less than 3 years) - $500

Best poster:
First Prize: $600
Second Prize: $250
Third Prize: $150

The deadline for submission to the Poster Competition is Monday 15 April 2019
For more information, please refer to the Terms and Conditions document

Question Title

* 1. What is your first name?

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* 2. What is your last name?

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* 3. Email Address:

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* 4. AVA Member Number:

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* 5. Address

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* 6. Are you a young researcher? (Young researcher is anybody that is a current student or graduate less than 3 years)

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* 7. Are you attending the 2019 AVA Annual Conference?