2021 Entry Form

When:  Saturday, December 4, 2021
Where:  Auburn University Beef Teaching Unit, 500 Shug Jordan Parkway, Auburn, AL
Check-in:  Friday, December 3, 2021 from 3 pm to 6 pm
Entry Fee:  $30 per Head
Payment:  All payments will be made by credit or debit card at the end of this form.
Entry Deadline:  Wednesday, November 24, 2021

If you have registered prior to the show and are unable to attend, there will be no refunds given.  Entries after November 24, 2021 will be $50 per head.
For more information or if you have questions, contact:
Andrew Moyer at 334-520-0492
Nathan Laseter at 256-679-2162
Bo Jones 229-947-0283

  1. All animals must be a bonafide FFA or 4-H Youth Livestock Project.
  2. Due to limited space, there will be no tying inside.  You will be required to tie animals to your trailer outside. 
  3. Electricity is very limited at the show facility, so bring a generator for power.  
  4. All calves must be halter broken and shown at halter.
  5. Any calf that breaks loose from the exhibitor three times while in the show ring will be disqualified.
  6. Show officials will determine show order after all steers and heifers have been processed.
  1. All steers will be shown together and classes will be divided by weight.
  2. There will be no weigh back requirement.
  1. Commercial heifers will show by weight.
  2. Registration papers on registered heifers must be provided at check-in.
  3. Registered heifers will be shown by age.
  4. All heifers must be born after January 1, 2020 to be eligible for show.  Age classifications will be divided appropriately depending on entries received.  
  5. A minimum of six (6) heifers are required to make a breed, otherwise the registered heifer will be in AOB.
  6. The first and second placing heifer will return for the Champion and Reserve Champion of that breed.
  • The AU Beef Teaching Unit and Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity nor anyone or anybody associated with the show are liable for accidents, injuries or theft.
  • Exhibitors are responsible for his or her own animal and assume all associated risk.
  • T-Shirts are available. Please pre order on the entry form.
  • Only show officials and exhibitors are allowed in the show ring.
  • All AU Beef Teaching Unit Rules Apply.
AU Beef Teaching Unit Rules for Visiting Animals
  1. No Beef Teaching Unit cattle will be commingled with visiting livestock.
  2. Visiting animals can only be housed on shavings/concrete in the Beef Teaching Unit barn and will have no access to pastures or Beef Teaching herd working facility.
  3. No animals can be penned in the Meat Science Laboratory holding pens during an event. Any animal entering this area must remain for slaughter.
  4. All out of state animals must have a current, valid health certificate.
  5. All animals must have permanent identification. Permanent identification will include one of the following: ear tattoos, hot brands, freeze brands, horn brands, silver metal USDA ear tags, or electronic ID ear tags (RFID). All tattoos and brands must be legible.
  6. All cattle must be accompanied with a Premises Identification Number. If no Premises Identification Number is provided, participants will be required to fill out a two-page Premises Registration Form at the Auburn University Beef Teaching Unit before their animals can enter the facility. There is no cost for obtaining a Premises Identification Number. Contact the State Veterinarian’s office for help with obtaining a Premises Identification Number.
  7. Brucellosis - Beef and dairy cattle must meet one of the following Brucellosis requirements to enter the Beef Teaching Unit:
    1. Come from a Brucellosis Free State.
    2. Come from a Certified Brucellosis Free Herd if in a non-Brucellosis Free State.
    3. If cattle do not meet the requirements in either a or b then all sexually intact cattle over 18 months of age must be test negative within 30 days prior to arrival. Steers and spayed heifers do not need to be tested.
  8. Tuberculosis Beef cattle must meet one of the following Tuberculosis requirements to enter the Beef Teaching Unit:
    1. Come from a Tuberculosis Free State.
    2. Come from an Accredited Tuberculosis Free Herd in a non-Tuberculosis free state.
    3. If beef cattle do not meet the requirements in either a or b then all beef cattle over 6 months of age must be test negative within 30 days prior to arrival.
  9. Vaccination – cattle must have been vaccinated within the past year with a 4-way respiratory vaccine including IBR, BVDV, PI3, and BRSV.
  10. Cattle must be free of warts, ringworm, or lice.
Complete one entry form per exhibitor and pay with debit/credit card at the end of the entry form.  Up to five (5) entries per exhibitor may be made per form.  DO NOT pay for multiple exhibitors at one time.  Pay each one separately.  

Question Title

* Exhibitor's First Name

Question Title

* Exhibitor's Last Name

Question Title

* Exhibitor's Date of Birth (Enter as: MM/DD/YYYY)

Question Title

* Parent's Name (Last, First)

Question Title

* Contact Information

Question Title

* Name of your FFA Chapter or County 4-H

Question Title

* Entry #1

Question Title

* Entry #1: Tag # for Steers and Commercial Heifers

Question Title

* Entry #1: Date of Birth for Commercial and Registered Heifers    MM/DD/YYYY

Question Title

* Entry #1: Registration # for Registered Heifers

Question Title

* Entry #2

Question Title

* Entry #2: Tag # for Steers and Commercial Heifers

Question Title

* Entry #2: Date of Birth for Commercial and Registered Heifers    MM/DD/YYYY

Question Title

* Entry #2: Registration # for Registered Heifers

Question Title

* Entry #3

Question Title

* Entry #3: Tag # for Steers and Commercial Heifers

Question Title

* Entry #3: Date of Birth for Commercial and Registered Heifers    MM/DD/YYYY

Question Title

* Entry #3: Registration # for Registered Heifers

Question Title

* Entry #4

Question Title

* Entry #4: Tag # for Steers and Commercial Heifers

Question Title

* Entry #4: Date of Birth for Commercial and Registered Heifers    MM/DD/YYYY

Question Title

* Entry #4: Registration # for Registered Heifers

Question Title

* Entry #5

Question Title

* Entry #5: Tag # for Steers and Commercial Heifers

Question Title

* Entry #5: Date of Birth for Commercial and Registered Heifers    MM/DD/YYYY

Question Title

* Entry #5: Registration # for Registered Heifers

T-shirts can be preordered through Monday, November 22, 2021. 
Any orders after that date will not be guaranteed.  T-shirts will be $25.  Please place the number of shirts you would like to order with each size listed below. T-shirts will be distributed on the day of the show.  

Question Title

* Youth Small

Question Title

* Youth Medium

Question Title

* Youth Large

Question Title

* Adult Small

Question Title

* Adult Medium

Question Title

* Adult Large

Question Title

* Adult X-Large

Question Title

* Adult 2X-Large

Question Title

* Adult 3X-Large

Question Title

* Adult 4X-Large

Question Title

# Heads x $30 ($50 after November 24, 2021)
# T-shirts  x $25

Calculate the total due and place in field below. Do not use $ in answer.  Only use whole number.   The amount entered in this field will carryover to the STRIPE payment site and you will enter your debit or credit card information to pay.  Once you click the tab below, your entry will be submitted.  If there is a problem with your payment, DO NOT RE-ENTER your information. Contact Tonya Jones at 229-322-4444 for payment issues.

Minimum amount: $30 USD
You’ll enter payment info after the survey.

Question Title

* Comments:

Question Title

* Please check the following: