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Thank you for applying for a scholarship to attend the Ask The Experts event on June 13, 2024! Our committee will be reviewing the applications and making their decision by Friday, May 17. You will be notified that day if you are awarded a scholarship and be provided with a promo code to register for the event at that time.

**Please note: Even though the early bird registration deadline ends before scholarships are awarded, if you do not receive a scholarship, AFP Houston will honor the early bird rate for your conference registration.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your contact information.

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* 2. Are you a member of AFP Houston? 

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* 3. If you are an AFP member, please provide your membership number. If not put "not applicable".

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* 4. Have you received an ATE Conference scholarship from AFP Houston before?

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* 5. Is your organization able to pay for any percentage of your ATE conference registration? If not, select 0%. 

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* 6. Why do you want to receive one of the scholarships (Less than 150 words)?

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* 7. Please upload a headshot

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Question Title

* 8. Please provide a short bio (100-150 words). 

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