We need your help to assess and validate the job skills required to grow the Australian Space industry.

The Australian Space Agency has set growth targets to triple industry revenues to $12 billion per annum and create an additional 20,000 jobs by 2030. A critical element in achieving these goals is the development of an Australian workforce with the necessary space-related skills.

SmartSat CRC and the Australian Space Agency are seeking to better understand the current capabilities of Australian space industry actors, and the needs for the future activities that will drive the national space industry forward. In 2020, a study was conducted to identify the present and future key skills gaps within the Australian space industry. The study identified 319 space-related skills needed to support future needs of the sector and the output is published in the Space Industry Skills Gap Analysis report (https://smartsatcrc.com/corporate-publications/).

The goals of this Skills Gap Analysis Stage #2 study are to triangulate the results of the Space Industry Skills Gap Analysis to
  • Provide industry validation for the Australian Space Skills Taxonomy
  • Test the skills gap findings with the lived experience of space industry and training providers, and capture more qualitative information about skills needs pressure points
  • Extend the Taxonomy to map skills to space industry occupations/job roles, competencies, and skill levels
  • Identify gaps in key skills for Australia’s Space Industry Capability
  • Identify relevant training/education providers who have capability to provide training/education against any gaps

Your input will provide valuable data on Australia’s current space-related skills gaps and anticipated future skills requirements. The outcomes of this study will allow the SmartSat CRC and the Australian Space Agency to target appropriate areas within their respective skills development programs to meet current and future job skills needs and identify training priorities for the space industry.

The survey should take 15-25 minutes to complete, depending on the number of space related skills that are relevant to your organisation.

Please complete this survey by Monday 28 February 2022 to ensure your input is included in the report to the Australian Space Industry and SmartSat CRC.

This survey is not suitable for completion on a smartphone and should to be completed on a laptop or desktop computer.

If you have any questions, or would prefer to discuss this by telephone, please contact
Alex Tomy - S.Tomy@latrobe.edu.au or Eric Pardede - E.Pardede@latrobe.edu.au 
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14% of survey complete.