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* 1. Please provide your contact information 

Please complete the following questions. (Maximum 300 words per question)

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* 2. What was the initiative you wish to share? (Description)

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* 3. Why were you or your organization inspired by ASI? (Explanation)

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* 4. So what did you learn from this experience? (Synthesis)

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* 5. Now what did you do (and plan to do now) based on what you learned? (Action)

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* 6. Please provide a short description of how your project/program relates to this year's theme: The Enduring Spirit of Collaboration: Celebrating 20 Years with ASI!

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* 7. What will ASI participants learn from your presentation?

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* 8. Please provide a short bio of the presenter

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* 9. Please provide a short description of your organization

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* 10. Should your application be accepted, would you be attended the Forum in person?