The content helped me better understand ASDA's history and governance structure.
The content helped me better understand ASDA's history and governance structure. 1Strongly Disagree
The content helped me better understand ASDA's history and governance structure. 2Disagree
The content helped me better understand ASDA's history and governance structure. 3Agree
The content helped me better understand ASDA's history and governance structure. 4Strongly Agree
The content helped me better understand ASDA's member benefits.
The content helped me better understand ASDA's member benefits. 1Strongly Disagree
The content helped me better understand ASDA's member benefits. 2Disagree
The content helped me better understand ASDA's member benefits. 3Agree
The content helped me better understand ASDA's member benefits. 4Strongly Agree
The content helped me better understand my role as a chapter leader.
The content helped me better understand my role as a chapter leader. 1Strongly Disagree
The content helped me better understand my role as a chapter leader. 2Disagree
The content helped me better understand my role as a chapter leader. 3Agree
The content helped me better understand my role as a chapter leader. 4Strongly Agree
The content helped me better understand ASDA's membership processing.
The content helped me better understand ASDA's membership processing. 1Strongly Disagree
The content helped me better understand ASDA's membership processing. 2Disagree
The content helped me better understand ASDA's membership processing. 3Agree
The content helped me better understand ASDA's membership processing. 4Strongly Agree
The content helped me better understand the financial management of my chapter.
The content helped me better understand the financial management of my chapter. 1Strongly Disagree
The content helped me better understand the financial management of my chapter. 2Disagree
The content helped me better understand the financial management of my chapter. 3Agree
The content helped me better understand the financial management of my chapter. 4Strongly Agree
The content helped me better understand how to work with administration and demonstrate ASDA's value.
The content helped me better understand how to work with administration and demonstrate ASDA's value. 1Strongly Disagree
The content helped me better understand how to work with administration and demonstrate ASDA's value. 2Disagree
The content helped me better understand how to work with administration and demonstrate ASDA's value. 3Agree
The content helped me better understand how to work with administration and demonstrate ASDA's value. 4Strongly Agree
The content was appropriate for my level of knowledge about ASDA and my role as a chapter leader.
The content was appropriate for my level of knowledge about ASDA and my role as a chapter leader. 1Strongly Disagree
The content was appropriate for my level of knowledge about ASDA and my role as a chapter leader. 2Disagree
The content was appropriate for my level of knowledge about ASDA and my role as a chapter leader. 3Agree
The content was appropriate for my level of knowledge about ASDA and my role as a chapter leader. 4Strongly Agree
I will utilize the information shared in my current or future leadership role.
I will utilize the information shared in my current or future leadership role. 1Strongly Disagree
I will utilize the information shared in my current or future leadership role. 2Disagree
I will utilize the information shared in my current or future leadership role. 3Agree
I will utilize the information shared in my current or future leadership role. 4Strongly Agree
Overall, the session met my expectations.
Overall, the session met my expectations. 1Strongly Disagree
Overall, the session met my expectations. 2Disagree
Overall, the session met my expectations. 3Agree
Overall, the session met my expectations. 4Strongly Agree
Overall, the speakers met my expectations.
Overall, the speakers met my expectations. 1Strongly Disagree
Overall, the speakers met my expectations. 2Disagree
Overall, the speakers met my expectations. 3Agree
Overall, the speakers met my expectations. 4Strongly Agree