Dear Madam/Sir,

Delivery of telecommunication/internet services during COVID-19 lockdown
ASAP Internet has strict company protocols during this lockdown to ensure the safety of our staff and our customers so that we can provide essential connectivity services to our communities.

Our current mandate as an essential services provider is to maintain our infrastructure and provide services where telecommunication/internet capability is available.

Please answer the following questions to confirm that, to your reasonable knowledge, you will not be placing our technicians at unnecessary risk:

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* 1. Have you, your employer or family instituted the required safety measures for the premises and the people with whom we may come into contact?

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* 2. Are you aware of any recent illnesses (within the last 14 days), including coughing and sneezing, that any of members of your business, family or yourself have exhibited or may have come into contact with?

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* 3. Has anyone on the premises to be visited been tested positive for COVID-19?

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* 4. We request that our technicians do not share the workspace with you or others while they are completing the installation. Is this acceptable?

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* 5. Are you, your employer or family complying with all of the requirements as set out in the Disaster Management Act, 2002: Amendment of Regulations Issued in Terms of Section 27(2) (lockdown regulations)?

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* 6. Are you comfortable for our technicians to access your premises?

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* 7. Are you aware of the legal implications of misrepresenting information in terms of the Government Gazette No. 43107?

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* 8. What is your full name? (First Name, Surname)

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* 9. What is your street address?

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* 10. At what email address would you like to be contacted?

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* 11. What is your mobile number?

100% of survey complete.