How did we do?

We encourage you to provide feedback on both the content and format of the department's annual report. This year the department has produced a PDF version and an accessible microsite (annual report website).
Consultation closes after 30 June 2019.

Question Title

* 3. Do you agree or disagree with the statements below about the department's annual report for 2017–18.

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree N/A
The report was easy to read and understand.
The layout of the microsite was clear and attractive.
The report mircosite was easy to navigate.
The layout of the PDF report was clear and attractive.
The PDF report was easy to navigate.
The images, graphs and infographics assisted me to understand the content of the report.
I have a better understanding of the departments activities after reading the report.
I have a better understanding of the how the department performed during 2017-18 after reading the report.
I have a better understanding of how the department plans to accomplish its goals for 2018-19 and beyond after reading the report.
The report has been transparent about where the department was successful and where there are still challenges.

Question Title

* 4. What could we do better – any comments or suggestions for improvement about the content, style or format of the departments annual report for 2017–18?

Question Title

* 5. Which category best describes you?