Question Title

* 1. Start Time: (What time is it right now?)

Question Title

* 2. Your Name: (First and Last)

Question Title

* 3. District Name: (Full name; i.e., San Juan Unified School District)

Question Title

* 4. Are the arts mentioned in the district's LCAP?

Question Title

* 5. If yes, what state priority(s) are the arts applied to? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 6. What arts-related actions or services are mentioned? (Check all that apply)

Note: Use “Partnerships” to capture relationships with outside arts organizations such as the Music Center.

Use “Classroom staffing” to capture mentions of FTE Specialists of any %, teaching artists, VAPA teachers.

Question Title

* 7. Do any of these actions or services constitute an increase in arts education programs or practices within the district?

Yes: The following words constitute a ‘yes’ answer.


No: The following words constitute a ‘no’ answer.


Question Title

* 8. How is the arts program funded? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 9. Rate this LCAP's investment to arts education using the following criteria:

1 = No mention of arts in LCAP or
No specific plans or $ allocation in Section 3

2 = Arts mentioned in section 3, but plans are vague (we’ll ‘update our arts plan,’ or mixed in with
several other items 'CTE, Phys Ed' under board course of study banner with no specifics about
actions for the arts)

3 = Section 3 includes concrete actions, metrics and a budget

Question Title

* 10. Annual Update: Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes

Question Title

* 11. End time: (What time is it right now?)

Question Title

* 12. Time Elapsed: (In minutes; round to the closest whole minute)