With the theme of "Transforming Retirement: A 360° View," AROHE's 2020 conference will explore a wide range of retirement-related issues in academia. To help conference planners shape a program that is meaningful to AROHE members, please take a few moments to answer the questions below.

Question Title

* 1. What issues do you want to see addressed at the conference? Rate each item on the scale of 4 to 1, from most important to least important.

  4 (most important) 3 2 1 (least important)
Creating an age-friendly college/university
Establishing a retiree association, retiree center or emeritus college
Reinvigorating a retiree association
Building institutional support of retirement organizations
Addressing the needs and interests of diverse retiree populations
Retirement organization succession planning
Recruiting/managing volunteers
Use of digital technology in marketing/outreach
Use of social media
Effective website design
Health and wellness program planning
Financial wellness program planning
Philanthropic/service projects, such as scholarships
Retirement planning programs
Developing alternate revenue sources
Current research on retirement in higher education
Senior housing on or near campus

Question Title

* 2. What tools/resources do you want to take away from the AROHE conference?

Question Title

* 3. Is there anything else that would make the AROHE conference valuable to you?