We want to hear from you about ARM staff members who have served ARM or the ARM user community in exceptional ways. ARM leadership is again seeking nominations to recognize staff for their outstanding service to ARM and the ARM science community.

Please use this form to tell us whom (or which group) you are nominating and give a short description of why their contribution is exceptional. Please include names of individual members for team nominations.

You are welcome to submit multiple nominees and nominate yourself; however, you can only submit one nomination at a time.

The ARM Service Award deadline for nominations is Friday, May 3. Members of the ARM Infrastructure Management Board (IMB) will review the nominations, and awardees will be announced at the next ARM All-Hands meeting on Tuesday, June 4.

Thank you for your participation.
Jim Mather, on behalf of the ARM IMB

Question Title

* 1. Nominee Information: Whom are you nominating?

Question Title

* 2. Please provide a short description (include the names of all individuals involved if nominating a team) telling us why their contribution is exceptional.

Question Title

* 3. Submitter Information
[Please provide your contact information in case we have questions about your submission.]

For questions about this survey, contact insidearm@arm.gov.