ARC Advisory Group/Logistics Viewpoints is conducting this survey to obtain insights into the perceptions, priorities, and strategic initiatives of today’s supply chain and logistics executives. Your response to this survey will assist us in obtaining further details about this challenging market environment and the priorities of practitioners such as yourself. The survey should take about 10 minutes. 

As a sign of our appreciation for your effort, we will provide qualified respondents with a summary of our research findings. Qualified respondents include operations managers at retail, manufacturing, wholesale, and 3PL organizations.  Respondents should have knowledge of their company's warehousing initiatives.

Recent events have elevated supply chain to top priority for CEOs across the globe. The Conference Board (, a well-known, global business membership organization, conducted its C-SUITE OUTLOOK survey in the fall of 2021. Its survey results showed supply chain disruptions, labor shortages, and rising inflation to be 3 of the 5 high impact external factors on the minds of CEOs. Subsequently, the Board conducted a special C-Suite Outlook midyear survey asking executives “What steps are you taking in response to the war in Ukraine?” The most frequently chosen option for CEOs and “Other C-Suite” respondents was “Focusing on making supply chains more resilient.

This questionnaire contains the following sections:

- Industry Classification
- High-Level Warehouse/Fulfillment Priorities
- External Factors and Impact Levels
- Supply Chain/Logistics Resilience

Privacy: Your privacy is assured, and your identification will not be released to others. Only anonymous and aggregate information will be reported. We ask for identifying information only to determine qualified and legitimate responses and send research findings.