November is Strangulation Awareness at ARC

Please take this 1 minute quiz to test your knowledge and educate yourself on the dangers of strangulation.  Please contact Advocacy Resource Center if you have questions or concerns or are in need of support.  906-632-1808  

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* 1. Choking is the same as strangulation.

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* 2. The signs of strangulation are always visible.

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* 3. If a victim can speak, scream, or breathe-they are not being strangled.

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* 4. Strangulation cannot be harmful because many people practice it, such as people or organizations that practice strangleholds for self defense.

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* 5. Strangulation victims should be able to detail or remember their attack.

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* 6. Strangulation can cause death in mere minutes or even days later.

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* 7. If a person is strangled and they survive-their chances of homicide increase by 750% if they are strangled again.

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* 8. Non-fatal strangulation can have long lasting and long term effects on the victim.

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* 9. Erotic asphyxiation also known as "breath play" is a form of strangulation for sexual pleasure.  

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* 10. One should always seek medical attention after strangulation occurs.