2021-2022 Part-time Studies Award Details

1. These awards are for APTEA members only to offset costs incurred while taking a course or program for professional development that is of value to their career at The City of Calgary. The courses(s) should benefit the member professionally or be part of a professional accreditation as part of their career development at The City of Calgary.

2. There are three (3) awards available: two (2) at $250 offered by the APTEA Meredith Helgeson Awards, and one (1) at $500 provided as part of APTEA’s affinity partnership with TD Insurance Meloche Monnex.

3. Studies must commence within one year. The successful recipients will receive the financial award upon submitting proof of payment as per the Eligibility Requirements set out below.

4. Financial need, academic standing and location of the institution are not criteria for consideration of any application into the random draw for these APTEA Awards.

5. All applications will be date stamped when received and any applications that are incomplete or received after the deadline date (November 9, 2021) will not be considered.

6. Scholarships are awarded based on a random selection from applications received by the deadline date, for the school year. The draw will take place at the APTEA Annual General Meeting on December 9, 2021.

7. APTEA will advertise the availability of these awards each year to its members by e-mail.

8. Applicants should keep a copy of all forms or letters submitted and return the original signed application form to the Awards Committee mailing address.

9. Winners will be notified by e-mail and cheques issued to the applicant and sent to the mailing address provided on the application.

10. The APTEA award winners’ names will be published on the APTEA website www.aptea.org as soon as possible after the draw takes place.

11. If you have any questions, please email admin@aptea.org.