This self-assessment tool has been created by the APGA PSMS Task Group. It is intended to introduce users to the elements of API RP 1173, while helping identify potential areas for improvement. Please select the answer that best represents the practices and policies within your system. There may not be an answer that matches perfectly, but we hope there is one that is close.

Each Statement set corresponds to one of the 50 "statements" found in the PSMS Industry Evaluation Tool. You'll notice that at this time not all 50 statements are represented in this APGA Planning Tool. Overtime we will be working to address all 50. (Date: October 29, 2018)

By answering each of these questions, a system will better learn where they are already aligning with the requirements and recommendations of API RP 1173 and where they might have an opportunity for improvement. Each Statement in this tool corresponds with a Statement from the Industry Planning Tool. To learn more about that tool please visit 

The results of this self-assessment are confidential to the user and will not be shared externally by APGA. 

Note: At this time APGA does not have means to provide you with a full summary of your answers. Please feel free to print out the PDF version of this survey if you would like to keep a record of your responses. 

Question Title

* 1. Statement #1A

Question Title

* 2. Statement #1B

Question Title

* 3. Statement #2

Question Title

* 4. Statement #3A
Pertaining to the design and installation of our pipe and stations…

Question Title

* 5. Statement #3B
Pertaining to the materials that we use...

Question Title

* 6. Statement #4A

Question Title

* 7. Statement #4B

Question Title

* 8. Statement #5
If a change needs to be made to our procedures, technology, equipment, or organization…

Question Title

* 9. Statement #6
Pertaining to contractors...

Question Title

* 10. Statement #7A

Question Title

* 11. Statement #7B

Question Title

* 12. Statement #7C 

Question Title

* 13. Statement #7D

Question Title

* 14. Statement #7E

Question Title

* 15. Statement #8A

Question Title

* 16. Statement #8B

Question Title

* 17. Statement #9

Question Title

* 18. Statement #10

Question Title

* 19. Statement #11
The results of our DIMP and/or TIMP risk analysis are...

Question Title

* 20. Statement #12
After an incident or near miss...

Question Title

* 21. Statement #13
After an incident...

Question Title

* 22. Statement #14

Question Title

* 23. Statement #15

Question Title

* 24. Statement #16
Please check all the responses that align with your system's practices.

Question Title

* 25. Statement #17

Question Title

* 26. Statement #18

Question Title

* 27. Statement #19A
Emergency Types:
- Releases (Leaks)
- Releases (Ruptures)
- Weather events
- Security threats (physical & cyber)
- Fires
- Loss of utilities (including communications, power & water, etc.)
- Pandemics
- Civil disturbances
- Other Self-identified risks

Question Title

* 28. Statement #19B

Question Title

* 29. Statement #21
Check all that apply...

Question Title

* 30. Statement #22A

Question Title

* 31. Statement #22B

Question Title

* 32. Statement #23A
For operations & safety records...

Question Title

* 33. Statement #24B
For operations & safety records...

Question Title

* 34. Statement #31

Question Title

* 35. Statement #37

Question Title

* 36. Statement #38

Question Title

* 37. Statement #41A

Question Title

* 38. Statement #41B

Question Title

* 39. Statement #45

Question Title

* 40. Statement #48

Question Title

* 41. Statement #49

Thank you for using the APGA Planning / Gap Analysis Tool. We welcome your feedback on how to improve each statement set and how to better organize the statements. Please feel free to email feedback to Erin Kurilla, APGA VP of Operations & Pipeline Safety, at