Page 1 - Introduction

Incorporation basics
As an introduction to the survey here is a brief outline of what it means to incorporate and the type of information we need to get specific about in order to do so. You can always skip ahead to the questions but here are the basics...
1. Incorporation
Groups can be set up for a variety of community purposes. Incorporating as a not for profit association is a simple and affordable way to establish a group as a legal entity. Becoming a legal entity means that we can enter into contracts i.e. apply for funding.

2. Rules of Association
An incorporated association is formed to undertake activities for a particular purpose. Under the legislation we must set rules for the day to day management of the association including information on:
  • Name of the association
  • Purpose of the association (aims and activities it is set up to undertake)
  • Membership rules (who it is for and how you apply)
  • Management committee or 'Board' (roles, responsibilities and election processes)
  • Procedures for meetings

The first survey questions will explore ideas around name, logo and purpose as a start.