Vancouver, British Columbia 

Presented by: Randy Paterson
This three-day interactive workshop equips occupational therapists with the fundaments to increase their competence and confidence in using three evidence-informed interventions for clients with anxiety: assertiveness training, relaxation skills training and exposure therapy. The three components are designed to be independent so that participants can attend one, two, or all three elements, as they wish.

Day 1 of this three-day workshop focuses on the skills and knowledge involved in conducting assertiveness training with clients – particularly those who find themselves behaving in an overly passive manner in their interactions with others. The four basic communication styles (passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, and assertive) are reviewed, as well as the internal and interpersonal barriers to being more assertive. In a series of presentation segments interspersed with interactive exercises, participants will learn the basics of nonverbal assertive posture, offering opinions, giving and receiving positive and corrective feedback, making requests, and saying ‘no.’  Tips are provided for practicing these skills with clients and planning their application in diverse settings and situations.

Day 2 of this three-day workshop focuses on the nature of stress and anxiety, the point at which anxiety becomes an anxiety disorder, and training in a set of relaxation therapy skills to assist clients in managing their own stress response. The emphasis is on diaphragmatic breathing training, progressive muscle relaxation (PMR), and passive relaxation.  Participants will experience each of the techniques themselves and engage in practice simulation in dyads and receive feedback and recommendations on technique.

Day 3 focuses on the use of exposure therapy, the foundation of evidence-based intervention for each of the anxiety disorders. Although seemingly straightforward, the effectiveness of exposure therapy decreases dramatically when several basic tenets are not followed. This workshop provides guidelines for effective exposure therapy and provides participants with practice in hierarchy development. The concepts covered in the workshop are adapted to exposure with specific phobia, social phobia, obsessive compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety, panic disorder, and agoraphobia. Participants learn the strategies, then conduct several simulations in triads to develop treatment plans for several presenting problems.

Participants receive a package of resource materials including presentation notes, over 30 pages of handouts for clients, a set of five relaxation training scripts, a guide to running a 6-session relaxation skills group if desired, and an audio CD that can be reproduced for clients for home practice.

Question Title

* 1. If you would like to add your name to the wait list for this Workshop on February 27, 28 & 29, 2020, please indicate your contact information below.

Thank you! We will contact you in a first-come, first-serve basis if a spot becomes available. We will also contact you if we have future dates for this workshop near you. If you have any questions that arise in the meantime, please contact