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Please complete the following survey to the best of your ability. All answers are anonymous.

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* 1. Rate your current level of stress, with 5 being highest and 1 being lowest.

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* 2. How often do you feel worried, scared, anxious, sad, overwhelmed or experience difficult feelings?

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* 3. Please identify the causes of these difficult feelings.

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* 4. If you can, name three activities you do to reduce stress.

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* 5. Mindfulness is a mental state practiced by focusing on the present moment, while paying attention to thoughts and feelings without judgment. How helpful do you think mindfulness would be in managing stress, anxiety and other difficult feelings?

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* 6. Breathing techniques are a tool used to manage stress, anxiety and other difficult feelings by focusing on your breath. How helpful do you think breathing techniques would be in managing stress anxiety and other difficult feelings?

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* 7. How often do you feel that you do not have enough time in the day to complete your activities and responsibilities?

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* 8. Are you able to identify if a friendship is unhealthy?

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* 9. Are you able to say "no" to your friends if asked to do something you are not comfortable with?

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* 10. Would you ask for help if you were being bullied? If so, who?

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* 11. Can you identify cyber-bullying?

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