Keynote: Straight from the White House Podium (Josh Earnest)
Keynote: Straight from the White House Podium (Josh Earnest) EXCELLENT
Keynote: Straight from the White House Podium (Josh Earnest) GOOD
Keynote: Straight from the White House Podium (Josh Earnest) AVERAGE
Keynote: Straight from the White House Podium (Josh Earnest) FAIR
Keynote: Straight from the White House Podium (Josh Earnest) POOR
Keynote: Straight from the White House Podium (Josh Earnest) DID NOT ATTEND
Keynote: The States, the Feds, and Medicaid (Stuart Portman, Senate Finance Comm. staff for Chairman Hatch)
Keynote: The States, the Feds, and Medicaid (Stuart Portman, Senate Finance Comm. staff for Chairman Hatch) EXCELLENT
Keynote: The States, the Feds, and Medicaid (Stuart Portman, Senate Finance Comm. staff for Chairman Hatch) GOOD
Keynote: The States, the Feds, and Medicaid (Stuart Portman, Senate Finance Comm. staff for Chairman Hatch) AVERAGE
Keynote: The States, the Feds, and Medicaid (Stuart Portman, Senate Finance Comm. staff for Chairman Hatch) FAIR
Keynote: The States, the Feds, and Medicaid (Stuart Portman, Senate Finance Comm. staff for Chairman Hatch) POOR
Keynote: The States, the Feds, and Medicaid (Stuart Portman, Senate Finance Comm. staff for Chairman Hatch) DID NOT ATTEND
Panel: Engaging the Numbers (Shea Tanis, Coleman; Katie Weider; Mary Lee Fay)
Panel: Engaging the Numbers (Shea Tanis, Coleman; Katie Weider; Mary Lee Fay) EXCELLENT
Panel: Engaging the Numbers (Shea Tanis, Coleman; Katie Weider; Mary Lee Fay) GOOD
Panel: Engaging the Numbers (Shea Tanis, Coleman; Katie Weider; Mary Lee Fay) AVERAGE
Panel: Engaging the Numbers (Shea Tanis, Coleman; Katie Weider; Mary Lee Fay) FAIR
Panel: Engaging the Numbers (Shea Tanis, Coleman; Katie Weider; Mary Lee Fay) POOR
Panel: Engaging the Numbers (Shea Tanis, Coleman; Katie Weider; Mary Lee Fay) DID NOT ATTEND
Keynote: The Future of Technology in Health and Disability Services (Bruce Greenstein, CTO, HHS)
Keynote: The Future of Technology in Health and Disability Services (Bruce Greenstein, CTO, HHS) EXCELLENT
Keynote: The Future of Technology in Health and Disability Services (Bruce Greenstein, CTO, HHS) GOOD
Keynote: The Future of Technology in Health and Disability Services (Bruce Greenstein, CTO, HHS) AVERAGE
Keynote: The Future of Technology in Health and Disability Services (Bruce Greenstein, CTO, HHS) FAIR
Keynote: The Future of Technology in Health and Disability Services (Bruce Greenstein, CTO, HHS) POOR
Keynote: The Future of Technology in Health and Disability Services (Bruce Greenstein, CTO, HHS) DID NOT ATTEND
CMS Regional Discussion: State Lessons for Federal Change
CMS Regional Discussion: State Lessons for Federal Change EXCELLENT
CMS Regional Discussion: State Lessons for Federal Change GOOD
CMS Regional Discussion: State Lessons for Federal Change AVERAGE
CMS Regional Discussion: State Lessons for Federal Change FAIR
CMS Regional Discussion: State Lessons for Federal Change POOR
CMS Regional Discussion: State Lessons for Federal Change DID NOT ATTEND
Panel: Model Behavior – How to Turn Federal Barriers into State Action (Donna Martin; Dan Keating; Gary Blumenthal; Michelle Lovejoy; Bruce McGlauflin)
Panel: Model Behavior – How to Turn Federal Barriers into State Action (Donna Martin; Dan Keating; Gary Blumenthal; Michelle Lovejoy; Bruce McGlauflin) EXCELLENT
Panel: Model Behavior – How to Turn Federal Barriers into State Action (Donna Martin; Dan Keating; Gary Blumenthal; Michelle Lovejoy; Bruce McGlauflin) GOOD
Panel: Model Behavior – How to Turn Federal Barriers into State Action (Donna Martin; Dan Keating; Gary Blumenthal; Michelle Lovejoy; Bruce McGlauflin) AVERAGE
Panel: Model Behavior – How to Turn Federal Barriers into State Action (Donna Martin; Dan Keating; Gary Blumenthal; Michelle Lovejoy; Bruce McGlauflin) FAIR
Panel: Model Behavior – How to Turn Federal Barriers into State Action (Donna Martin; Dan Keating; Gary Blumenthal; Michelle Lovejoy; Bruce McGlauflin) POOR
Panel: Model Behavior – How to Turn Federal Barriers into State Action (Donna Martin; Dan Keating; Gary Blumenthal; Michelle Lovejoy; Bruce McGlauflin) DID NOT ATTEND
Breakout: ANCOR and the ACL Business Acumen Project
Breakout: ANCOR and the ACL Business Acumen Project EXCELLENT
Breakout: ANCOR and the ACL Business Acumen Project GOOD
Breakout: ANCOR and the ACL Business Acumen Project AVERAGE
Breakout: ANCOR and the ACL Business Acumen Project FAIR
Breakout: ANCOR and the ACL Business Acumen Project POOR
Breakout: ANCOR and the ACL Business Acumen Project DID NOT ATTEND
Breakout: Model State Legislation
Breakout: Model State Legislation EXCELLENT
Breakout: Model State Legislation GOOD
Breakout: Model State Legislation AVERAGE
Breakout: Model State Legislation FAIR
Breakout: Model State Legislation POOR
Breakout: Model State Legislation DID NOT ATTEND
Preparing for Hill Day and Update on Congress (ANCOR GR Team; Al Guida; Rodney Whitlock)
Preparing for Hill Day and Update on Congress (ANCOR GR Team; Al Guida; Rodney Whitlock) EXCELLENT
Preparing for Hill Day and Update on Congress (ANCOR GR Team; Al Guida; Rodney Whitlock) GOOD
Preparing for Hill Day and Update on Congress (ANCOR GR Team; Al Guida; Rodney Whitlock) AVERAGE
Preparing for Hill Day and Update on Congress (ANCOR GR Team; Al Guida; Rodney Whitlock) FAIR
Preparing for Hill Day and Update on Congress (ANCOR GR Team; Al Guida; Rodney Whitlock) POOR
Preparing for Hill Day and Update on Congress (ANCOR GR Team; Al Guida; Rodney Whitlock) DID NOT ATTEND
Panel: Connecting the Dots (Stephen Hinkle; Tia Nelis; Aaron Kaufman)
Panel: Connecting the Dots (Stephen Hinkle; Tia Nelis; Aaron Kaufman) EXCELLENT
Panel: Connecting the Dots (Stephen Hinkle; Tia Nelis; Aaron Kaufman) GOOD
Panel: Connecting the Dots (Stephen Hinkle; Tia Nelis; Aaron Kaufman) AVERAGE
Panel: Connecting the Dots (Stephen Hinkle; Tia Nelis; Aaron Kaufman) FAIR
Panel: Connecting the Dots (Stephen Hinkle; Tia Nelis; Aaron Kaufman) POOR
Panel: Connecting the Dots (Stephen Hinkle; Tia Nelis; Aaron Kaufman) DID NOT ATTEND
Panel: Shifting Defense to Offense (Connie Garner; Rodney Whitlock)
Panel: Shifting Defense to Offense (Connie Garner; Rodney Whitlock) EXCELLENT
Panel: Shifting Defense to Offense (Connie Garner; Rodney Whitlock) GOOD
Panel: Shifting Defense to Offense (Connie Garner; Rodney Whitlock) AVERAGE
Panel: Shifting Defense to Offense (Connie Garner; Rodney Whitlock) FAIR
Panel: Shifting Defense to Offense (Connie Garner; Rodney Whitlock) POOR
Panel: Shifting Defense to Offense (Connie Garner; Rodney Whitlock) DID NOT ATTEND
ANCOR Congressional Briefing: Making Medicaid More Efficient Through Tech (Andy Curry, Mark Davis, Ken Lovan, Shea Tanis)
ANCOR Congressional Briefing: Making Medicaid More Efficient Through Tech (Andy Curry, Mark Davis, Ken Lovan, Shea Tanis) EXCELLENT
ANCOR Congressional Briefing: Making Medicaid More Efficient Through Tech (Andy Curry, Mark Davis, Ken Lovan, Shea Tanis) GOOD
ANCOR Congressional Briefing: Making Medicaid More Efficient Through Tech (Andy Curry, Mark Davis, Ken Lovan, Shea Tanis) AVERAGE
ANCOR Congressional Briefing: Making Medicaid More Efficient Through Tech (Andy Curry, Mark Davis, Ken Lovan, Shea Tanis) FAIR
ANCOR Congressional Briefing: Making Medicaid More Efficient Through Tech (Andy Curry, Mark Davis, Ken Lovan, Shea Tanis) POOR
ANCOR Congressional Briefing: Making Medicaid More Efficient Through Tech (Andy Curry, Mark Davis, Ken Lovan, Shea Tanis) DID NOT ATTEND