2017 ANCOR Leadership Summit Evaluation

THANK YOU for joining us at the 2017 ANCOR Leadership Summit! Please tell us what you liked best and ideas for next year's conference or Leadership Summit. You have an opportunity to submit comments toward the end of the survey.

Additionally, feel free to contact Esme Grant Grewal (egrant@ancor.org), Doris Parfaite-Claude (dparfaite-claude@ancor.org), or Jerri McCandless (jmccandless@ancor.org) directly.

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* 1. Please rate the value of each session to you and your organization.

Keynote: Straight from the White House Podium (Josh Earnest)
Keynote: The States, the Feds, and Medicaid (Stuart Portman, Senate Finance Comm. staff for Chairman Hatch)
Panel: Engaging the Numbers (Shea Tanis, Coleman; Katie Weider; Mary Lee Fay)
Keynote: The Future of Technology in Health and Disability Services (Bruce Greenstein, CTO, HHS)
CMS Regional Discussion: State Lessons for Federal Change
Panel: Model Behavior – How to Turn Federal Barriers into State Action (Donna Martin; Dan Keating; Gary Blumenthal; Michelle Lovejoy; Bruce McGlauflin)
Breakout: ANCOR and the ACL Business Acumen Project
Breakout: Model State Legislation
Preparing for Hill Day and Update on Congress (ANCOR GR Team; Al Guida; Rodney Whitlock)
Panel: Connecting the Dots (Stephen Hinkle; Tia Nelis; Aaron Kaufman)
Panel: Shifting Defense to Offense (Connie Garner; Rodney Whitlock)
ANCOR Congressional Briefing: Making Medicaid More Efficient Through Tech (Andy Curry, Mark Davis, Ken Lovan, Shea Tanis)

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* 2. What are your three best take-aways from the 2017 Leadership Summit?

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* 3. What are the three burning questions you hope ANCOR will address in a future event (webinar or conference session)?

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* 4. What is the one feature of the Leadership Summit you hope we will do differently next year?

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* 5. Any other comments or suggestions for the ANCOR team?

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* 6. If we can contact you with follow-up questions, please give us your information below (name, organization, email, phone).

Did you meet with your Members of Congress? Tell us about your meetings here: