Thank you for attending the 2022 AMSD and Metro ECSU Conference, Reimagine Education: Creating Community, Connections & Culture.

We would greatly appreciate your feedback by completing the following evaluation of the conference. Your input will help us prepare for future conferences and events.

Question Title

* 1. Please identify your role from among the following:

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statement.

This conference and the information shared by the presenters provided positive steps toward "Creating Community, Connections & Culture.”

Question Title

* 3. Please rate each presentation. Use the comment box to share additional feedback about any of the presentations or about the format of the breakout sessions.

  Definitely Some No Not relevant to my work
How Humor and Storytelling Can Build One's Resilience (Kevin Kling)

This session helped me gain insights on how to build resilience through humor and storytelling.
How Are the Kids? (Dr. Charlene Myklebust, Psy.D., Licensed School Administrator)

This session helped me gain insights about the impact of COVID, racial disharmony, and polarized political discourse on the mental health of our students.
From Surviving to Thriving - Addressing Racial Harm Dr. Lisa Sayles-Adams, Ph.D., Superintendent and Eastern Carver County School District Leaders)

This session gave me insight on various ways to address racial harm from the district, school, and student perspectives.
The Developmental Repair Model: Washburn Center for Children  Dr. Anne Gearity, Ph. D., LICSW

This session provided me with insight into the developmental repair model and how it helps children to regulate their emotions.
Culturally Competent Mental Health Services for Students (Jimmie Heags, LSC, LPPC, LADC, ACS) )

This session helped me understand why dominant mental health and student support practices often create a disconnect for BIPOC students.
Creating a Culture of Connection and Belonging for Educators, Students and Caregivers (Pete Morse, Principal, Jonathan Elementary ECCS; Pam Ryan Mejia, Certified Dare to Lead Facilitator, Founder/Author of Better Together)

This session provided me understanding about how to create a culture of belonging and connection and increased my awareness in strategies to improve well-being.
The Pragmatic Power of Hope: Engaging Students and Staff to Create An Individual, Collective, and Equitable Culture of Achievement (Dr. Stephen Rippe, Ph.D.)

This session effectively addressed how to measure hope in students and staff while building ownership in the process and co-creating interventions and possibilities, and provided practical strategies and resources to grow hope individually and within teams.
The Midwest Center for School Mental Health: How Can We Help? (Dr. Mark Sander, Psy.D., L.P. and Cheryl Holm-Hansen, Ph.D.)

This session effectively provided major findings regarding school-based mental health services and information about the newly created Midwest Center for School-based Mental Health.
Resilience/ACES – Recovering from Trauma (David Read Johnson Ph.D., RDT-BCT and Dr. Charlene Myklebust, Psy.D.)

This session was informative in providing adult and student perspectives in response to the screening of the film “Resilience.”

Question Title

* 4. Please share any suggestions, solutions or positive anecdotes where you have created "Community, Connections & Culture.”

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* 5. What challenges or obstacles have you confronted when trying to "Create Community, Connections & Culture?"

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* 6. Did you participate in the affinity group breakouts at the end of the program? If yes, did you find value in these breakouts and would you like to see breakouts included in future conferences?

Question Title

* 7. Conference Logistics

  Excellent Good Average Needs Improvement
Registration Process
Facility Space
Access to Materials and Handouts

Question Title

* 8. Please share any other comments or suggestions you have about this year's conference.