Please rate your experience at the following AMIA tutorial:

W07: Data Mining for Medical Informatics (DMMI) – Causal Inference for Health Data Analytics

Question Title

* 1. Rate how well you believe this session achieved its objectives. After attending the workshop, participants should be better able to:
  • Promote better collaboration between data mining experts and clinical practitioners.
  • Discuss the areas of healthcare in which better tools and data mining techniques are needed.
  • Help the data mining community receive feedback and suggestions from expert physicians.
  • Build a community amongst researchers and expert clinicians focusing on data mining in medical informatics.
  • Discuss new data mining opportunities to leverage open data in the healthcare space.

Question Title

* 2. The faculty were effective instructors, presenting the subject matter in a well-organized manner:

Question Title

* 3. As a result of what I learned I plan to make the following changes in my professional practice:

Question Title

* 4. For next year's workshop on this topic, I suggest the following topics, speakers, and other ideas:

Question Title

* 5. Additional comments about this workshop: