Deadline: Friday, 24 August 2018 noon

Motions are proposals of general interest for the organisation that are put forward by one or several IGLYO Member Organisations, and which will be discussed by delegates at the Annual Members' Conference.

For instance, motions can consist of a decision to be taken, changes to IGLYO statutes, or a resolution that engages IGLYO’s responsibility, etc.

Member Organisations also have the right to propose changes and/or additions to the agenda proposed by the board during the first mailing.

Member Organisations are invited to submit motions and agenda changes for the Annual Members' Conference, by completing the form below. All motions/agenda changes should be submitted no later than 24 August 2018, noon. The document with proposed motions/agenda changes will be circulated to Member Organisations according to the regulations of the statutes.

You can submit as many motions/agenda change proposals as your organisation wishes, but please submit only one motion/agenda change proposal per form.

Each motion/agenda change proposal will have a short time allocated to its author to present it at the Annual Members' Conference.

Question Title

* 1. Member Organisation submitting motion

Question Title

* 2. This form is used to submit

Question Title

* 3. Text of the Motion/Agenda change