ALS Provider

Thank you for participating in this Survey of Learning Please feel free to contact the SCEMS Education and QA Coordinator at any time with additional suggestions and feedback.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your first name

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* 2. Please enter your last name

Question Title

* 5. Which of the following influences the protocol update?

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* 6. How many ALS protocol changes alter actual patient care?

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* 7. How many BLS protocol changes alter actual patient care?

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* 8. How will education on some of the new ALS changes be provided?

Question Title

* 9. According to the note from Dr. Cooper in the presentation, county EMS protocols are "____________________ - developing in ____________________ and advancing step by step"

Question Title

* 10. True or false: By completing this protocol update education and survey of learning you are automatically authorized to perform any and all skills/procedures that fall within your level of certification.

Question Title

* 11. The creation of an Airway Management chapter:

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* 12. In which chapter would you find the protocol for removal of a Supraglottic Airway?

Question Title

* 13. How useful do you think having the PROCEDURES in SKILL SHEET format will be? (this question is asking for your opinion and will not be graded as correct/incorrect)

Question Title

* 14. Checklist use is:

Question Title

* 15. True or False: Advanced protocols are for use by all ALS and BLS providers

Question Title

* 16. According to the DSD protocol (p. 143), “Double Sequential Defibrillation is not synchronous. It is two separate shocks delivered as closely together as possible with separate pad placement. It is believed the different ______________ provided by two sets of pads provide the benefit of the procedure”

Question Title

* 17. True or False:  Participation in Double Sequential Defibrillation is mandatory.

Question Title

* 18. True or False:  The Maintenance of Peripheral IV Therapy for EMTs protocol applies only for hospital-to-hospital transfer.

Question Title

* 19. Who does the Snohomish County Diversion Center EMT protocol apply to?

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* 20. Who is responsible to assure checklists are executed?

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* 21. The Checklists have been removed from the protocol book, where can they be found instead?

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* 22. According to the 2018 Airway Management – General protocol, before intubation providers should utilize two sources of oxygen to pre-oxygenate including a nasal cannula set at ____________________?

Question Title

* 23. According to the 2018 Airway Management – General protocol, “routine use of the Bougie is ____________________”.

Question Title

* 24. According to the 2018 Airway Management – General protocol, which of the following are appropriate methods for confirmation of endotracheal tube placement?

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* 25. According to the 2018 Airway Management – General protocol, tube placement should be reconfirmed “after ____________________ and at ____________________”.

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* 26. Please complete the following statement:  “For purposes of reporting intubation, an attempt shall be defined as any time a laryngoscopy blade ____________________ with intent to ____________________”.

Question Title

* 27. According to the Drug Assisted Intubation protocol, DAI is prohibited in which of the following patients:

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* 28. According to the Drug Assisted Intubation protocol, documentation should include:

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* 29. According to the Rapid Sequence Intubation protocol, how should a provider select the proper dose of a paralytic?

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* 30. According to the Rapid Sequence Intubation protocol, what should be reassessed immediately and then every five minutes?

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* 31. According to the Post-Intubation Management protocol (p. 23), when should tube depth be documented?

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* 32. According to the Difficult Airway Protocol (p. 24), when documenting a difficult airway providers must:

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* 33. According to the Capnography protocol, which of the following patients should have ETCO2 monitoring?

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* 34. According to the Capnography protocol, which of the following represents a NORMAL ETCO2 reading?

Question Title

* 35. True or False:  It is okay to skip contacting Medical Control and only tell the communication RN that you are delivering a patient on CPAP.

Question Title

* 36. According to the Cricothyrotomy (Surgical) protocol, which of the following patients is the most likely candidate for Surgical Cric?

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* 37. According to the Cricothyrotomy (Needle) protocol, which of the following patients is the most likely candidate for Needle Cric?

Question Title

* 38. According to the Supraglottic Airway Placement protocol, which of the following patients is the most likely candidate for a supraglottic airway?

Question Title

* 39. According to the Supraglottic Airway – Removal Without ET Placement protocol, the patient’s airway is the responsibility of the Provider who placed the SGA until he/she:

Question Title

* 40. According to the Spinal Assessment Decision Chart (p. 107), which of the following patients most likely requires Spinal Motion Restriction with a C-Collar and backboard?

Question Title

* 41. According to the Communication & Notification Issues protocol, ALL of the following patients require contact directly with the ED physician EXCEPT:

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* 42. Please complete the following statement seen throughout the protocols:  “When in doubt ____________________”

Question Title

* 43. True or False:  Upon arrival at a cardiac arrest patient SCEMS providers must wait 1-2 minutes before turning on the AED

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* 44. According to the Intraosseous Access protocol, what is the appropriate IO anesthesia dose of Lidocaine for a 24 kilogram child?

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* 45. According to the Intraosseous Access protocol, ALL of the following bone sites may be used EXCEPT:

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* 46. True or False:  Additional education is required before ALS providers are cleared to place IO access in the pediatric distal femur.

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* 47. According to the Pericardiocentesis protocol, which of the following patients is the most likely candidate for pericardiocentesis?

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* 48. According to the Needle Thoracostomy Protocol, which of the following are indications for needle-chest-decompression?

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* 49. What is the minimum acceptable length for an angiocath used for needle thoracostomy?

Question Title

* 50. True or False:  A bedside report to the receiving nurse is sufficient to meet the requirements of the Mandatory Reporting RCW.

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* 51. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the Glasgow Coma Scale?

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* 52. Which of the following is the most likely Right ROUTE to administer Narcan to an unconscious heroin overdose patient who has irregular, slow, snoring respirations, as well as arms badly scarred with track marks?

Question Title

* 53. According to the Cerebrovascular Accident Protocol (p. 56), how many abnormalities on the FAST exam are required to qualify your patient for CODE STROKE criteria (depending on time range)?

Question Title

* 54. Your 65 year old patient has sudden onset of persistent headache, slight left hand weakness, and multiple risk factors.  You suspect a stroke.  When documenting the assessment findings, which of the following best summarizes her condition:

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* 55. Please complete the following summary statement, “SCEMS providers are expected to combine ____________________ with verification by ____________________ and ____________________”.

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* 56. Please rate this educational process for future education planning:

  Fail Poor Neutral Good Excellent
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