Welcome, ALGA Members!

There are four open Board positions up for election for FY2020-2021; two are uncontested and two are contested, as described below.

Uncontested Positions
The uncontested positions are President-Elect and At-Large Board Member #1.

For each uncontested position, the voting choices are "Yes" or "No" in regards to the candidate.

Contested Positions
The contested positions are Secretary and At-Large Board Member #2. Each position has two candidates.

For each contested position, the voting choices are to select one of the two listed candidates.
Candidate Information
The voting pages for each position in this survey include a brief Candidate Statement for each candidate that chose to submit one. To review the full Candidate Bios along with the Candidate Statements, click here*: 2020 Board Nominee Bios & Candidate Statements

NOTE: One candidate was nominated for both contested positions. You may vote for this candidate for both positions if you choose. For more information, please see the ALGA elections information web page here*: 2020 ALGA Board Election FAQs

Voting Code
Before starting the survey, make sure you have your voting code from the email with the survey link. Please ensure you copy the correct code, as ballots with invalid or duplicate codes will not be counted.

If you did not receive an email or otherwise do not have your code, you will need to contact Amber Anthony-Dickerson at ALGA Member Services before voting.

More Election Information
If you have questions or would like additional information about the election prior to voting, please see the ALGA elections information web page here*: 2020 ALGA Board Election FAQs

Thank you for voting!

*Note: Each of the links will open a new browser window and may unintentionally cause you to navigate off the survey page. As such, it is recommended that you review them prior to starting the survey on the next page.