The Aging Life Care Association™ (formerly National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers), dedicated to providing high quality educational programs for the Aging Life Care Professional™ / geriatric care manager community invites you to "Sharpen Your Spurs (and ALCA Skills)" by sharing your knowledge, expertise, and experience with your colleagues and other professionals at our 33rd Annual Conference May 3-6, 2017 at the Grand Hyatt in San Antonio, TX!

We are seeking proposals for presentations of all levels of expertise for three different tracks: Clinical/Client Centered, Business Development, and Legal, Ethics & Policy. The average session length is 60-75 minutes and speakers are encouraged to allow a brief time for Q&A.

Materials and information presented should reflect the ethics and standards of the Aging Life Care Association™. As a non-profit organization, ALCA is unable to provide airfare, hotel costs, or an honorarium for presenters. Presenters wishing to attend other Conference programs must pay the appropriate registration fee.

All ALCA presenters are required to identify/resolve in writing any/all potential conflicts of interest or commercial support that he/she has a financial relationship with and/or that may bias his/her participation in this activity.

The 2017 ALCA Conference Programs Sub-Committee will review all proposals and make the selection of speakers and topics based on the following criteria: overall quality and originality; continuing education applicability and appropriateness to this program. All who have submitted proposals will be notified no later than November 15, 2016.

All ALCA presenters are expected to submit high-quality materials in addition to PowerPoint slides to support their presentation and for distribution to our conference attendees electronically approximately six weeks prior to the conference. Upon selection, you will receive a confirmation packet with instructions for submitting any additional handouts or PowerPoint slides to support your presentation for distribution to our conference attendees.

Question Title

* 1. I have read the ABOVE information and have the following information available to begin the online application now:

• Speaker Name/Contact Information
• Brief (75-100 words) narrative bio (for conference program and marketing purposes)
• Curriculum vitae or resume
• Professional experience or areas of expertise relative to involvement in this conference
• Disclosure of any Conflicts of Interests
• References from at least two (2) people who have heard you present
• Title of the session
• Category or Track: Clinical, Business/Legal or Ethical
• Target Audience Expertise Level: Beginning/Intermediate or Advanced
• Presentation/Teaching Method: Lecture; Panel; Workshop; Discussion; or Case Study
• Overall Session Goal
• Brief description (50-75 words) of the session (for conference program and marketing purposes)
• Three (3) learning objectives (in behavioral terms for CE applications)