The mission of CRN's Adult Leadership Advisory Board (ALAB) is to share our stories and strength to educate, motivate and empower the entire cystinosis community.  This survey will allow  you to provide feedback on any ALAB projects you have taken part in, and give us ideas about new projects and topics that need (more) attention.  Thank you for your participation!

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* 2. When did you participate In the ALAB project? (For CystinosisTEENS on Instagram, list when you  joined, or a recent date you posted)


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* 3. Did your participation...

  Very Much Yes Somewhat Not that Much No, not at all N/A
Provide knowledge that will assist you in managing your cystinosis?
Provide emotional support that will assist you in managing/living with your cystinosis?
Provide resources that will assist you in managing/living with your cystinosis?
Provide connection with other peers living with cystinosis?
Provide a benefit you were looking for?
Provide a benefit you did not expect?

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* 4. In your opinion, how can we address the community’s needs better?  Suggestions welcome!

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* 5. What current ALAB projects do you enjoy and why?

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* 6. What topics would you like ALAB to explore?

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* 7. How were you informed about ALAB projects?

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* 8. How old are you?

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