Person Centered Planning Test Question Title * 1. Contact Information Name * Organization * Address of Organization City/Town Email Address * Question Title * 2. A pre meeting held prior to the Person Centered planning meeting to? Get the paperwork out of the way. Meet with the person to discover their desires and prepare for the meeting. Discuss the agencies ideas about the person’s future. Make sure the person knows how to answer questions that will be asked. Question Title * 3. QDDPs and case mangers are not required to attend Person Centered Planning meetings. True False Question Title * 4. Person Centered Planning is? The team’s vision, purpose, and goals. Their knowledge of the focus person’s past, present, and future life. About choice Their actions for change, mutual support, personal development, and learning. All of the above Question Title * 5. People should only talk during their meeting if something is said they don’t agree with. True False Question Title * 6. Person Centered Planning has 3 main goals. True False Question Title * 7. Person Centered Plan Goals are A reflection the person’s desires for their future Meant to be accomplished in a year Are unchangeable To be continued until they are achieved at 100% Question Title * 8. The Person Centered Planning Team should Makes a commitment to act so that changes will be accomplished for the focus person. Coordinates supports around the life of the individual rather than the needs of the system. Recognizes that friends, co-workers, children, and neighbors can teach people skills, help them participate and foster relationships. All of the above None of the above Question Title * 9. When inviting people to the meeting, the person’s preferences should be put first. True False Question Title * 10. Each Program should have their own Person Centered Planning Meeting with their staff and the service user. True False Question Title * 11. A Person Centered Plan is should eliminate problems discovered during the previous planning year. True False Question Title * 12. Opportunities are Natural experiences New experiences a person should have throughout the year. Designed to meet the goals will be included on the To Do List. A chance to do something new or different Question Title * 13. The Categories of Opportunities are Learning, Support, Participation Learning/Participation ONLY Learning ONLY Support/Participation ONLY Question Title * 14. The TO-DO List Keeps agencies focused on their services only Is comprised of specific activities and events identified for a person to take part in, based on preference Makes sure everyone does their job Tells the person how much time they have before goals are changed. Question Title * 15. Person Center Planning Meeting are to be coordinated and conducted by the host agency. True False Question Title * 16. A Person Centered Planning Meeting can be held without the person served as long as they attended the pre meeting. True False Done